Centre culturel Frontenac (The French Cultural Centre)

Street Address : 520 Frontenac

The project for a francophone cultural centre was initiated by the Club Champlain. In 1965, the club started to rent the parish room of St. Francois d’Assise to have a recreational centre. When Robert Sabourin arrives in 1976 and meets diverse francophone groups, he takes into mind the need to create services that would coordinate, and bring together various francophone organisations in the region. In 1978, a communication service is established that united the Club Champain, the Club Francophile, scouts, young adults, Queen’s University, the CMR, the Cathédrale School, etc.

This was not a central management of these organisations, but allowed them to consult, organise projects, and focus on various problems. This communication link takes the name Centre Frontenac. The first administration community is formed in the spring of 1978 by Guy Verreault, Pierre Laforest, Napoléon Gauthier, Vincent Pineault, and Gilles Ouellette. From the parish room, the Centre Frontenac moves into the premises of the International Hockey Hall of Fame at the corner of York and Alfred St.

In January of 1982 it faced an overload of work for the numerous volunteers and the centre requests financial aid from the government to employ someone who would be in charge of administration. In addition the centre needs a more stable location that would also be more welcoming. A house is bought on 520 Frontenac Street. The new centre is inaugurated on November 6, 1983. The house includes two living rooms (Salon Brisebois and petit salon), a kitchen, a recreational room, a secretary office for the centre and l’ACFO, an artisan room and a workshop studio. Gabrielle Grosselin is hired as the first full time secretary. Her Mandate is to unite, coordinate and serve the francophone community, as well as to obtain and provide human, technical, and financial resources.

In 1996, the CCF moves into its new location: the school community centre, a centre that houses Marie-Rivier Public Secondary School and the Octave Theatre.

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Centre culturel Frontenac
Centre culturel Frontenac, 520, rue Frontenac.
Photo : Sophie Perrad